About Us
Syndicate Management
Investing at Lloyd's
Our environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) strategy seeks to ensure value for all of our stakeholders whilst supporting sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We have committed to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Across our business, we seek to protect the environment and to address, through our actions, the challenges presented by climate change, energy demands, scarcity of resources, pollution and waste and to work with our clients and other stakeholders to develop solutions to these environmental challenges. We aim to become a net zero business by 2050, across all of our products and investments. Operationally, we will seek to be net zero by 2030. In areas where this is not possible, we will seek to engage in projects that support carbon neutrality.
Recognising our social responsibilities and the importance of our contribution to improving social outcomes for all, we will take action through initiatives in human rights, health, safety and wellbeing, diversity and inclusion and through our community engagement work.
We seek to maintain a strong ethical foundation in all of our activities, behaving with integrity, treating all people with respect and seeking to avoid any business which may have an adverse impact on human rights, including forced labour, land grabbing or resettlement of indigenous communities, or controversial weapons.
We provide a safe and healthy working environment, recognising the importance of the health and wellbeing of our people.
We are committed to working towards creating a more diverse business, promoting equality of opportunity for all our people and empowering people from all backgrounds to develop their talents within Argenta.
Our community engagement aims to support, at a community level, our diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives and to contribute with our time and resources to improving the lives and opportunities of those around us.
We ensure we maintain a strong governance and risk mind-set across our businesses, with clear lines of accountability and management of conflicts of interest where they arise. We have conduct and ethics policies in place, as well as a whistleblowing policy, ensuring staff have the opportunity to raise any issues of concern in confidence and without fear of reprisal.